
A top-notch speaker and teacher: congratulations on her pedagogy, the quality of the session and the benevolent attention she gives to students.

— Gaëlle Le Fol, Dauphine Masters Program Director

Corporations & Schools

  • A highly professional intervention with a very captivating format, the quality of which stands in stark contrast to the various soft skills trainings we had attended before.

    Dauphine Student

  • Julie's calm presence and the beautiful space she provided made the experience one I'll never forget.

    GCPR Head of Tech

  • Julie excels in leading the course and presents things well. She has a reassuring voice and a way of speaking that is calming and encouraging to be more open to interaction and participation in the course.

    Dauphine Student

  • The Humanspace courses create an opportunity to have important conversations, fostering trust and benefiting employee wellbeing, which in turn increases productivity, adaptability and retention.


  • With Humanspace, we learn the keys to effective communication and teamwork. I highly recommend both programs.

    French Ministry of Defense

  • Excellent. Go there with your eyes closed.

    Google Manager

  • My favorite part of the training is how interactive it is. What I will personally work on the most is cultivating awareness and communicating better.

    Dauphine Student

  • The content and structure of the training are very clear. I’ll communicate more with managers on expectations and feedback.

    Dauphine Student

  • My favorite parts of the training are the workbooks and the public speaking exercise.

    Dauphine Student

  • Excellent. Julie is very positive and encouraging.

    Dauphine Student

  • Everything is very clear and interesting. We feel a great deal of benevolence, which is very pleasant and gives us the confidence to express ourselves. List Item

    Dauphine Student

  • Very attentive to everyone, and keen to deepen every point of view.

    Dauphine Student

  • Perfect (very honest response).

    Dauphine Student


  • Working with Humanspace has been a beautiful experience. There is something about Julie that brings you to the present moment as if there was no past or future but just this moment, which has been healing. Julie is intuitive. Her insight is precise. After each session I felt rejuvenated and lighter. I would recommend Julie without hesitation for everyone.

    David, Medical Director

  • I was referred to Julie by my physician in New York. I am 43 years old and have been on and off in therapy since teenagehood. I worked with the founder Julie, who is beautiful inside and out. She is incredibly intuitive and wise and bestows peace I much need.

    Roy, Real Estate CEO

  • Julie's greatest gift lies in the low-frequency meditation she guides us through at the end of each session; by tapping into her impressive intuition, she helped me process any mental blockages or stuck energy. Each session feels unique. I went to this beautiful adventure with my partner and we both loved the effect it had on our personal lives and on our relationship.

    Léa, Teacher

  • The way Julie offers support and different angles to see reality is so beautifully crafted, I highly recommend her work.

    Rita, Teacher

  • The Humanspace programs are incredible. Julie is able to connect to your subconscious mind to allow shifts, and it feels effortless. I’ve been able to create new narratives around themes that I’ve struggled with for a long time. I cannot recommend her more.

    Lua, Artist

  • It has been a true pleasure working with someone who is extremely intuitive and non-judgmental. Julie has been a tremendous help to me in working through some early childhood trauma and also in dealing with everyday issues that crop up. What I especially enjoy about her approach is that it's not rigid - she adapts the work according to my needs. I can highly recommend anyone working with her!

    Emily, VC Manager

  • Julie is simply one of the most beautiful persons I have ever met . She is for me an endless source of inspiration and is playing an important part in my meditative path. Her mindfulness program is shedding light on important hidden corners of my consciousness. What a journey... There is no going back . Definitely life changing.

    Nina, Artist

  • I recommend anyone wishing to start or continue a holistic and deep work on themselves to start working with Julie. Her technique, which I did not know at all, initially intrigued me and very quickly, after the first session, completely convinced me. She has a developed sensitivity and has access to healing modalities that unlocked a multitude of inner conflicts in me in only two sessions.

    Lucie, Photographer

  • I highly recommend the coaching experience with Julie. She is very caring, intuitive and I felt deeply understood, even at our first session. Her approach is powerful and it really changed me. I was absolutely impressed by Julie's ability to read and welcome every emotion at once, and I could not be more thankful.

    Jeanne, Interior Designer

  • Working with Julie has been one of the most transformational experiences of my life. She has opened up my mind to so many things, and has made me feel so much more calm about what I’m going through. I think about the things that Julie has said to me in my everyday life and use her tools and tips regularly. She has a true talent and intuition for what she does. Now that I’ve started this program, I can’t imagine stopping. I look forward to every single session.

    Anna, Banker


  • Deep knowledge of sound therapy and ability to create a harmonious and immersive experience is truly unparalleled. Julie possesses a keen intuition, to guide participants through a profound journey of relaxation and introspection.

    Sofia, Participant

  • I loved the combination of guided embodied movement followed by the singing bowls in the salt cave. I was able to drop into my body through the movement phase and then go into a deep meditation and sound journey which I hadn’t experienced before.

    Yusef, Participant

  • Very powerful. I want to come again!! Present in my body.

    Anonymous, Participant

  • Absolutely amazing. This was a emotional day for me prior to coming here and this journey guided me to where I needed to go in my subconscious and allowed me to be present with it in a good way. I felt new parts of my brain activate and was able to recognize that connection with my body consciousness and present awareness. Impressive. Thank you

    Anonymous, Participant

  • I felt a strong heartbeat at the beginning, seeing emotional images from my life. But after I felt calm and just blacked out. Woke up feeling peace.

    Anonymous, Participant

  • Vibrations throughout my whole body, loss of sense of time. Thank you

    Anonymous, Participant

  • I felt my own heartbeat throughout my body in a deep way that I had not experienced before. Thank You!

    Anonymous, Participant